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Reflections on advancing life science so we can live longer, healthier lives.

Henk Campher


January 22, 2024

Deep Origin and BiosimAI join forces in merger to accelerate R&D

Akash Guru, Jonathan Karr


July 23, 2024

AI in biology: Could data hygiene be holding you back?
In the biotech domain, extracting AI's benefits is often a challenge, as scattered, unstructured data generated by the research process stands in the way. Here we explore the common ways AI is used in biology, and what process tools you might want to consider to prepare your data for AI models and scientific analysis.

Jason Sunardi


May 23, 2024

Getting Started with Seurat on the Deep Origin Platform
In this post, we’ll approach bioinformatics in a digestible, beginner-friendly manner, focusing on the why and how by what I believe to be the best way to learn: reproducing data from existing papers.

Jonathan Karr


May 16, 2024

Building operating systems for science with Docker
Building environments for interactive scientific computing with Docker

Garik Petrosyan & Garegin Papoian


May 10, 2024

AlphaFold 3: Exciting Advance yet Unresolved Major Issues Remain
We tested the publicly available AlphaFold 3 instance and have reviewed the paper. Note that access to the full tool is not yet available and is provided only as a server with limitations. Here's what we found.

Garik Petrosyan, Garegin Papoian, Natalie Ma, Tigran Abramyan


May 8, 2024

We Spill the Beans: Deep Origin's AI- and Physics-Based Models for Drug Discovery
The third part in our series on the challenges and opportunities of computational drug discovery. We detail what we've been working on.
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