Sign up for our free webinar Getting Started with Computational Drug Disovery [May 2]


R&D platform

Supercharge your data analysis and simulation. Powerful
cloud workstations for bioinformatics and biosimulation:
Pre-installed, expert-curated software tools.
Ability to customize your software with root access.
Configurable hardware, including NVIDIA GPUs.
Friendly interfaces: JupyterLab, RStudio, and VS Code.
Persistence: your data, code, and applications are saved.
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Molecular simulation toolkit

Accelerate your lead compound discovery. Physicochemical simulations and AI for interrogating biology from atoms to cells:
Screen billions of compounds for high-affinity leads.
Predict protein motions and estimate binding affinities.
Assess ADMET properties such as solubility and toxicity.
Friendly interfaces: JupyterLab and VS Code.
Get started in minutes over our cloud platform.
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R&D platform

Supercharge your data analysis and simulation. Powerful
cloud workstations for bioinformatics and biosimulation:
Pre-installed, expert-curated software tools.
Ability to customize your software with root access.
Configurable hardware, including NVIDIA GPUs.
Friendly interfaces: JupyterLab, RStudio, and VS Code.
Persistence: your data, code, and applications are saved.
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Molecular simulation toolkit by BiosimAI

Accelerate your lead compound discovery. Physicochemical simulations and AI for interrogating biology from atoms to cells:
Screen billions of compounds for high-affinity leads.
Predict protein motions and estimate binding affinities.
Assess ADMET properties such as solubility and toxicity.
Friendly interfaces: JupyterLab and VS Code.
Get started in minutes over our cloud platform.
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Drug discovery partnerships

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Scientific frontiers

we spark

We are building tools that help scientists solve disease. Streamline computational analysis today. Simulate biology tomorrow.


Visualization and analysis of biological data

Cancer Biology

The reprogramming that enables cellular growth and metastasis

Whole-cell simulation

Holistic biophysical simulation of cellular behavior

Whole-cell simulation

Holistic biophysical simulation of cellular behavior


Genomic analysis of microbial communities, such as the gut microbiome

Connect with us

Get in touch to inquire about our solutions, discuss partnerships, join our team, or learn more. We are excited to simulate life with you.


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